Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Top 5 Evil Movie Corporations

The movies are filled with corporate bad guys, and evil companies. They ruthlessly pursue the almighty dollar, and will exploit, mislead, and even kill those who stand in their way.


Cyberdyne creates Skynet, and inadvertently causes judgement day, and a full scale war between humans and machines. Granted they didn't intend for that to happen, but they build super computer processing units ready made to go into killing machines. What did they think was going to happen?


"We Make the Future" is InGen's corporate slogan. If you hope for a future where you're grandmother is eaten by Velociraptors, then buy stock in InGen. The corporation's work, though angering to Bible thumpers and animal rights activists, is pretty cool. Dinosaurs are awesome, and they just want to build zoos and theme parks, and make children happy. So what's the big deal? Well when you're business involves morally ambiguous cloning of a T-Rex, that ends up wreaking havoc in San Diego, you're a bunch of dicks.


Weyland-Yutani, referred to mostly in the films simply as "The Corporation," specializes in terraforming alien planets, and colonizing other worlds to essentially strip-mine them of their resources. They must also have a military/defense division, because they have squads of space marines on the payroll, and when they discover a parasitic, sharp-clawed, acid-blooded alien, they think, "how can we make money off of that?"


Umbrella Corp. is a company bent on world domination, and they do this by creating zombie viruses, and genetic monsters in order to decimate the world's population, and rebuild it in their image. Ironic considering slogans like, "Umbrella: Sheltering Your Family," and, "Our Business is Life Itself." Their intentions, actions and tactics are reminisce of Nazi Germany, and if you're inspired by the Third Reich, you're pretty evil.


O.C.P. doesn't want to dominate the world, only an American city, but more so than any other movie corporation, they are motivated by simple greed. Everything they do, from engineering a police strike, to funding criminals, is in the pursuit of profits. They basically want to foreclose on the city of Detroit, level it, and build their own company town that they control, and profit from. To do this, they use gestapo tactics, political manipulation, and bring an honest cop back from the dead, only to do their best to strip him of his humanity. Though O.C.P. may not be as crazy and deranged as others, and they only have their sights on Detroit, the fact that they're motivated by sane and sober greed, and they'll do whatever it takes to turn a profit makes them the most evil in the corporate sense